Report from Dallas and Washington State 2007-8


Note from Carl Fox:

Our trip to Dallas was an awesome one. Was very uncomfortable for me. God didn’t give me any scriptures at all. (ahead of time) Spent all weekend doing ministering and healing. Scripture came to me moment by moment as needed. Had a season of time where many ministers came up and ministered to people using the things the Lord had taught them. Great signs, miracles and wonders followed. We had people come from Oklahoma, Arkansas, Maryland and the Carolinas. It was a great family reunion. We are still getting information back on the blessings that happened. Glad to be back home. God Bless in Jesus’ Name!

Carl Fox



I have been asked to share about the USA Mission work of Christian Faith International Ministries. My name is Sharon Chambers and I have known Carl and Sheila Fox since June 2000. I met them when Carl Fox prayed with me and in the Name of Jesus Christ I was miraculously healed of many incurable illnesses. After 5 years on Social Security Disability, this nurse, who was to never work again, went back to full time work as a nurse. You can read more about this by clicking here.

As a nurse experiencing the miracle that I did, I wanted to know more about miracles. In the process of learning more I have been present when Carl Fox has ministered in 10 cities and 4 states. Carl has ministered in 49 states in over 30 years. I have gotten to know Carl and Sheila Fox very well during these past 6 years and I have gotten to see and experience the Power that is in the Name of Jesus Christ for those that Believe, just as Jesus himself said in Mark 16:17-18. I will share with you the same thing I have told people in Tacoma, WA where I have talked to many who then have come when Carl teaches and ministers. Carl is a non-denominational minister. When he ministers, it is not like anything one sees on TV. He does not come in fancy clothes or with fancy words. He speaks simply, shares from the heart what he believes, knows how to hear from the Lord and ministers with a lot of love! He’s very real, down to earth, and what you see is what you get. He does not seek fame and he does not put on a show. He avoids publicity (Jesus did it that way) and when he prays for one and is done, he just goes on praying for the next person waiting. There is no set formula He prays with faith, not hoping God will heal a person, but knowing that God will and when the prayers are spoken in the Name of Jesus Christ, knowing that God has! He gives God the Glory for the miracles that follow!

I have seen the lame walk and blind eyes open. In one case I should say a blind eye closed. There was one man with a hole in his macular (inner part of the eye) and in order to give him perfect sight, God closed the hole in that eye. I have watched and heard snap, crackle and pop as crooked backs have been straightened and all pain gone. I have seen more backs, knees and hips healed then I can count. I have watched people lay down their canes/crutches, as I did, not to take them up again. Carl has come to Tacoma, WA enough times that I have seen many I have known personally be healed from things that I knew the medical condition before hand (but Carl did not) and I was able to follow up on the results afterwards. More the once I have seen or know of the doctors who have been stunned and or confused about where the cancer went. I have been there when the doctor said that cancer tumors were not just shrunk on the new CAT scan but the CAT scan looked like a person who never even had cancer. A nurse I knew, who was out of work for 6 months with one thing after another, was prayed for on the phone. When Carl came back to Tacoma 3 weeks later she was healthier then she had been in years and was back at work. The doctors did not understand on the repeat thyroid scan where the Grave’s disease had gone and where the abnormalities in her blood tests had gone. I knew one lady with Asthma who walked a few blocks to the store on a high pollen day and could not walk home but had to call for an ambulance, due to the severity of Asthma. After prayer and a miraculous healing, she spent 4 days working in her yard, including pulling weeds, in the spring. She formally could not even sit outside in her yard in the springtime. These are just a few examples of what happens when curses are broken and blessings are ministered in the Name of Jesus Christ.

The healings are not always physical. I have seen children and young adults set free of the pain of abuse. I have seen people bound up in grief over a long time, due to death of a loved one, set free when soul ties were broken and hearts healed. I have talked with people whose lives were changed as they were delivered be it from alcohol or drugs or other addictions. I have seen a lady I knew who was seeking for something more in her relationship with God but every time she picked up the bible could not read it. It made no sense and she could not get interested in it. When Carl prayed with her I cannot say she even understood what he had taught about the Bastard Curse, which goes back 10 generations, but she was willing to accept whatever God wanted to do when she was prayed for. That curse was broken in the Name of Jesus Christ and afterwards, she called me one day with questions about what she had been reading in the Bible. She had been reading it every day for two weeks and understanding most of what she read. Her life changed dramatically. This lady forgave people who had hurt her deeply when she had previously told me told me that she could never forgive some hurts she had. She came to recognize that she needed forgiveness and accepted it from the Lord. I saw her heart toward others change as she grew in a daily deepening relationship with Jesus Christ. She became a strong prayer, shared about the Lord with others, hosted a bible study at her home, and learned to love herself and others even through tough times. When that Bastard Curse was broken she was able to truly enter the Congregation of the Lord and I watched lives around her change and others grow closer to the Lord.

More then once over the years I saw people come to “check out” Carl Fox because of the miracles, people I knew who never mentioned ever having known Jesus. I watched as the teaching of the Word brought them to a place of turning. Some had known Jesus in childhood but were not walking with the Lord now. They left with their hearts turned back to him and I was around to see the changes in their lives and in their world as they lived their lives with Jesus as Lord. The growth in relationship with the Lord seen in so many is even more exciting then the miracles. Carl has said that he can see miracle after miracle and go home tired and welcome sleep after ministering but, when he sees people get saved, he is so excited that he can’t go to sleep afterwards.

This is the kind of fruit I have seen through the mission trips around the USA. When at home or in his office, Carl prays and ministers to people on the phone as calls come in, sometimes all day long. God does not live in time or space and many get healed and delivered over the phone. One time we were meeting in Tacoma WA and a call came in from Bellevue WA. Carl stopped teaching and we all stopped and prayed as Carl prayed on the phone. The lady was in severe abdominal pain and 911 had been called. She knew previous tests showed a liver failure but what else was wrong was unknown. The paramedics took her to the hospital and it will never be known what was wrong. When she got to the hospital, not only was the pain gone, but tests showed her liver completely normal.

When Carl and Sheila moved back to New Mexico and settled in Truth or Consequences, Carl had not planned to start a fellowship there. Between the USA and Overseas, Carl is kept plenty busy ministering. However, believers have gathered locally to learn more and a fellowship has formed in Truth or Consequences for bible study, prayer, praise and worship. One of the hallmarks of Carl’s ministering is that healing and deliverance, sharing Christ with others, bringing souls into the kingdom, is not about him. It is about Jesus Christ and all Christians are called to go forth and do as Jesus did, John 14:12. Some of the Bible teachings, from the fellowship, are available on TAPE/CD in the Bookshop so other Christians can join in the learning and move forward in their walk and service with the Lord. And the work of Christian Faith International Ministries continues on and the Glory does go to God!