Bookshop Order Page: Forgiveness – Giving Up Your Right To Revenge by Carl Fox

Forgiveness Giving Up Your Right To Revenge by Carl FoxForgiveness
Giving Up Your Right To Revenge by Carl Fox

From Pastor Ed Johnson:
In this book, you will discover from the scriptures the crucial importance of forgiving others in receiving GOD’s answers to your prayers. There are many testimonies that could be used to illustrate the necessity of forgiving those who trespass against us, depending on who is writing or when. This is the one that comes to my mind at this point in time. We were in Romania in the spring of 2007. I was flying home the next day. My schedule required me to be up at 3:00 AM. As the team was preparing to go out to teach and minister, I said I would stay back, pack, and try to get some rest before the trip home. Carl said he would stay back with me. We get precious little time to visit on these trips to Romania. Cornell, a Romanian evangelist who is ordained with Christian Faith International Ministries and effectual in ministering healing and deliverance, said there were two sisters that needed prayer. “It’ll only take 15 minutes.” He usually has a hard case or two to refer to Carl each trip. The elder sister had congestive heart failure and was resistant to receive healing. Carl zeroed in on un-forgiveness and began to tell her she needed to forgive her aunt (they had a rich aunt who had offended both of them repeatedly). The sister shook her head no with pursed lips. Both sisters talked a lot, relating grievances they held against their aunt. Finally, the sister said, “I forgive putin” (a little bit). Breakthrough! As Carl finished praying for her, you could see her eyes brighten and color returning to her face. Cornell told them I had to get up at 3:00 AM to catch a plane and he had promised this would only take 15 minutes and here they had talked for 2 hours. The younger sister apologized to me for talking too much. I replied, “Its better you talk and believe than not talk and not believe.”
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