Please Pray for the mission team on their trip to Romania April 26th – May 10th 2007. Accompanying Carl Fox on this trip are Lee Camacho, Ed Johnson and Fred Goff. Please pray for their safety and their work in Romania along with the ministers in Romania working to bring God’s Word, salvation, healing and deliverance to many in need in that country. Please keep the family members of the team lifted up in prayer also! God Bless all of you who pray for this work in the Name of Jesus Christ!
God bless you all in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, and thank you for your prayers!
The Romanian team for April – May ’07 – Carl, Ed, Lee, and me (Fred)
April 26th – 28th
Carl, Lee, and I met at the airport in Houston and flew to Bucharest via Paris. Satan tried hard to keep us from arriving here but was unable to keep us away. We arrived later than expected and tired but thankful to our God for arriving safe and we were refreshed by the greeting of believers who love the lord and us. We had a nice visit on the long drive from the airport and stayed up a short time and went to bed around 9 pm local time here. After 6 hours of sleep we were all up between 3 and 4 am. We visited and caught up with each other while sharing God’s word for about 4 hours. We had some breakfast and then met with a pastor who had come to see us from a village about 1 1/2 hour drive south. Word was out that Carl had arrived and people were arriving to see him and try to schedule time with us. We had a short nap before noon and when we got up Carl and I went with a woman to her home to minister to her daughter who is 26.
The daughter when she was younger had received free from a pharmacy prescription diet pills (speed) and had become addicted to them. Then the pharmacy then requires the girls to perform sex acts with men to keep getting the drugs. This has been going on here for some time now. After a nice lunch with the family Carl spoke with the girl about the spiritual causes of addiction and how the devil wants to destroy us and there is help from God through Jesus Christ if she wanted it. She asked Carl to pray for her, and he did. There were spirits of fear, rejection, rebellion, and others cast out. Curses were broken off of her life and then the physical healing began. By the time it was all over her back, breathing, digestive track and many other things were healed on the spot. She could bend over and twist which she had not been able to do for years. Also she asked if we heard the spirits leave because they made such a noise when they left. We did not hear them go as she had but she spoke of how all the heaviness was gone and there were many tears of joy from us all for the healing and deliverance that was brought to pass in the name of the lord Jesus Christ.
Ed and Lee had gone with John to street evangelize. They went to a street with two apartment buildings and John went door to door asking for someone to plug in his cord so they could have a portable pa and music. Jesus was preached and those who wanted to be saved received eternal life. Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift.
We ended Saturday with a meal and then a final planning meeting with a local man before we went to bed.
Sunday April 29th
Carl and Ed went to the church 1 1/2 hours south and taught God’s word and ministered healing and deliverance. It was a small group but a wonderful fellowship and everyone was blessed just the same. They arrived back around 4:30pm.
Lee and I went to a church here in town around 10am and shared God’s word and were then taken to another church where they were just about done with their service but they asked us to please share. Lee spoke them I spoke to them regarding keeping Jesus as lord in our lives day by day and moment by moment.
After some lunch and then visiting with Carl and Ed we had a short nap and off to John’s church where they were doing a communion service. They asked all 4 of us to teach but we persuaded them that one was enough. Carl taught and then communion and then people wanted individual pray and ministering. Carl prayed for people with an interpreter while Ed, Lee, and I prayed for people with out one. As God has no language barriers He was faithful to bring healing and deliverance to all even if they did not understand what the prayers were.
All who are saved or born again, whatever you want to call it, have Christ in them and can do the works that he did. It is up to us to operate the power that God gave us. When you read in the gospels and book of Acts, all whom came and asked got healing and/or deliverance. I am thankful to be here with faithful men who believe God and want to bless all of God’s people.
Monday April 30th
In the morning we met with a local minister to try and help with some problems in the area. That afternoon – evening Carl and Lee went to a small church and after teaching God’s word a woman who had been in a wheelchair 3 1/2 years and had a paralyzed arm ask for prayer and ended up walking around the room several times and lifting both arms up to the heavens and praising God for her healing.
Ed and I went with Martin to a Gypsy town about an hour outside of Bucharest. The town is about 80% Christian and there are no bars or local police because the people love God and the lord Jesus Christ and there is almost no crime. Ed, Martin, and I taught from God’s word and everyone was very blessed. As we were leaving Ed, Martin and I left some money for a widow who had 10 children. We would have liked to help more but were thankful we had some to give.
Tuesday May 1st
May 1st is a national holiday and we were invited by the church that our host family attends to a picnic in the park with their youth group. Carl, Ed, and I met with Sylvia an English teacher who now has taken over the street ministry work that Roxanna used to do. We met a mall in Bucharest and even had a Starbucks coffee (this was a big treat for us) while we visited.
Afterward we stopped by the house and picked up some supplies for the picnic and off to a park by a lake. It was nice to see the young people having fun playing games and fellowshipping with each other. Then we sang songs and gave praise and glory to God in the name of Jesus Christ. They asked Carl to teach and instead he asked them if they had any questions. The questions were honest and good. It was great to see them hungering and thirsting for the truth.
Wednesday May 2nd
Costel and Christine arrived with their son from a surrounding village. These folks love the lord so much and their service is such that I don’t feel worthy to be in their presence. Just them coming into the room files it with the love of God. We had a wonderful visit and while they were here they ask Carl to pray for their son and Carl ask him did he want prayer. He said yes, yes and so as Carl prayed his side quit hurting and his health was restored.
In the evening we went to the new house our host family is building where the church room is already completed. Carl, Ed, Lee, and I, all shared God’s word. Lee, then Ed, then me, and Carl last. The scriptures naturally built one upon another and built on the principle of believing God’s word and seeing God bring His word to pass. As Carl finished teaching he did quite a bit of group prayer and many were healed. There were a few who then asked for individual prayer and of course God was faithful to answer those prayers also.
Thursday May 3
We went in the morning to a man who was prayed for the night before to see if there was anything else we could do for him. He had been electrocuted 3 1/2 years ago and it affected his legs and teeth and one arm to the end he was not able to work and didn’t walk very well. He was able to walk much better than he had been walking before Carl prayed for him. Nearly all the time we were there we tried to get him to confess his healing and not to let the devil steal it away by convincing him that he was not healed. Many times when God heals us, the devil will come right along afterward and say “You’re not healed”. A week later (or a minute later) we might feel that same pain that we had before the healing and then we have to choose what we are going to confess and believe. Do we confess that we are healed in the name of Jesus Christ and cast the symptoms away in his name or do we say “Oh, I guess I didn’t get healed after all”, and lose our healing? The choice is always up to us. We blessed him in the name of Jesus Christ and reminded him that Jesus said he will never leave us or forsake us and to hold on to his healing.
In the afternoon Carl and I went with a local believer to her home near the downtown area where she showed us the progress she has made on the remodeling of her flat. There were some neighbors she wanted us to meet. There was one older Gypsy woman who wanted to be saved so I had her repeat a prayer after me and as we prayed she received eternal life. Carl had already prayed for her, so she got doubly blessed, eternal life and healing. The other friend was a young mother. I ministered to her where curses were broken and healing was received. She also asked me to pray for her son who was around a year old. The older woman also asked Carl to pray for her grandson who had been dropped on his head and was having some ongoing problems from that. The grandmother asked to go to church with us that evening and so we arranged for her and her 2 grandchildren to go to Glina with us.
In the evening Carl went to a youth group meeting and was very blessed with the fellowship and the eagerness of the youth to learn God’s word. He was beaming when he arrived home around 10:30pm.
Ed, Lee, and I went to Glina to a church to share God’s word and minister. We all shared God’s word and then they had communion. Afterward Ed ministered to several adults and a hand full of children.
Friday May 4
Ed and Lee went to Daniel’s church and shared God’s word and had a nice time of fellowship. Ed taught about how God first spoke the Ten Commandments and the people didn’t like it and asked Moses to tell God to just talk to him. God has always wanted to have fellowship and communication with His people, and Ed encouraged the people to receive from their heavenly father what he has for them. One young man came up afterward and wanted to be prayed for so that he could hear from God. God says those that hunger and thirst shall be filled. May we always have a heart that hungers for the things of God.
Carl and I went to a local church and they spent half of the time singing songs and talking and told us we had to be done by 8pm. After we taught Carl did group prayer for the church because they wanted us to be done by 8pm. I prayed that those who would believe for healing would get to us and a few did and God was faithful as always and brought healing and deliverance to pass in the name of Jesus Christ.
Saturday May 5
We spent the day with our host family having a cookout and picnic in their yard. All the children and some of their friends were there and it was a nice relaxing day.
In the evening Carl and I went to Virgil’s church where we both taught. Afterwards we both ministered. I had an interpreter and Carl did not, but as we have done on many occasions before God was healing and delivering regardless if people understood or not. When we pray for people in faith and they believe in faith God brings the answers. I have not documented every healing or miracle here as it would be too much to read. At first I thought it would seem like bragging, but as I thought more about it, I don’t mind bragging on Jesus Christ whose servants we are, or on our God who has blessed us and given us the ability to walk in His power. All the glory goes to God; it is His word, His people, His work, and He allows us to serve when we choose to be obedient.
Sunday May 6
Ed and Lee went to a village just outside of Bucharest and both taught God’s word and blessed the people. Then in the evening, they went to a church service and celebration for the recognition of some local minister’s service. Carl and I were able to arrive in time for the banquet meal that followed and enjoyed the fellowship of the people and getting to see many old and new friends. There was a woman who stopped Carl on the way in that was at the fellowship last Wednesday evening who wanted to let us know that during the group prayer she was healed. She was supposed to have surgery the next day because her heart was enlarged and taking up her whole chest. When she went to the hospital they sent her home because she had nothing wrong with her. We told her to thank God and give Him the glory for all He had done for her.
In the morning Carl and I went with a few other local Christians to a town about 1 1/2 hours away. Martin taught and then me. We broke down the walls of tradition (with the word of God) that were preventing them from seeing the power of God manifested in their church and then Carl taught on believing and the power of God and having faith. We anointed everyone in the church with oil and began to minister. As people were being healed, the mothers were going and getting their children so they could be prayed for also. By the time it was all over the healings and deliverance were too numerous to keep track of. One older man, when he realized he was healed and could move around again, started jumping and almost dancing. The joy in the hearts of those healed and/or delivered is what helps us keep moving on even when other things are working against us. We went to have a meal with one of the pastors at his home and were blessed more than we deserved to be and were sad to have to leave them after what seemed like such a short time.
Monday May 7th
In the evening Ed and Carl went to a new church on the edge of town where they shared God’s word and ministered.
Tuesday May 8th
We went in the afternoon to a hospital to pray for a woman who was having heart trouble and afterward we prayed for her husband also. “Give God the glory for your healing” we told them as we left.
Carl and Ed were going to stay home and take care of some business as Ed was leaving in the morning. Our host asked if they could go for 10 minutes to pray for a woman. Two and a half hours later they were heading back to the house after ministering to the woman and her sister. They both received healing and deliverance in the name of Jesus Christ.
Martin took Lee and me to a church that we had been to last year when I was here. There were many faithful Christians at this Gypsy church. The pastor is a great brother who is really moving with the things of God. As we finished our teaching of God’s word, I asked him if he had any oil for anointing and he said no. I gave him my bottle as he was asking us to go to a home nearby and pray for a baby. When we got there, the pastor, Martin, and I anointed the baby with oil and ministered healing and blessed the whole family in the name of Jesus Christ. Glory to our God and loving heavenly father who healed the baby as we prayed for her.
Wednesday May 9th
Ed left for the airport around 4am with a full day of travel ahead, but very blessed for all the healing and deliverance God brought to pass as he had prayed for people during the time he was here.
Carl, Lee, and I began to do a little pre-packing in the morning. Around 11:30am Martin came by to pick us up for a final meeting with him to take care of some ministry business. Included in the trip was another stop at the hospital to pray for a Gypsy pastor whose church we visited last year just hours before a flood destroyed it. He was scheduled to have back surgery for the last five or six days and it had been put off each day until tomorrow. This was the case this morning also. His pain was so bad when we arrived, he could barley walk. After he was prayed for, Carl asked him to bend over, twist, and touch his toes, all which he did pain free. Then Carl told him if he really believed he was healed to run across the parking lot and back, and off he went. Both he and his wife praised God and thanked Him for the healing.
That evening we went to our host family’s new house that we had been to the previous Wednesday and we each taught. After the last teaching Carl invited those who wanted prayer to come forward. We split the group into thirds and had three interpreters to minister healing and deliverance. I don’t know all the miracles that happened that night for the people Carl and Lee prayed for, but I had the joy of seeing a man and his daughter both healed instantly. Then there was an older woman that God healed her aorta and filled her with energy as I prayed for her. Her daughter asked for deliverance and so I cast the demons out of her in the name of Jesus Christ and she was so blessed to be free. We went back to the house spent and thankful for all the miracles of healing and deliverance we had done by the power of Christ in us.
We packed and prepared for the trip home when we arrived back at the house where we were staying. We got up a little before 4am to be ready to leave the house at 5am. Our travel home was safe but we had weather delays on the long overseas flight and were on the plane for 16 ½ hours before getting off in Houston. It was around 51 hours of travel when I arrived in OKC, and even a little longer for Carl and Lee.
I would like thank all of you who were praying for us. Rest assured that God was hearing and answering your prayers. Those of you who helped with finances, God will bless you according to His word which is always more than abundant.
I would also like to thank Florin (I’m not sure of the spelling) who was our interpreter for many of the meetings we did. He is a wonderful Christian, did a great job, and was a joy to be around.
Some final thoughts.
I wasn’t sure about this trip ahead of time except I knew the Lord wanted me to go. It was a very bad time to be away because of all that was going on with a new business I am starting. The devil tried to ruffle our feathers by messing up our travel both going and returning, but to no avail.
God was able to do so much because He made us able to do so much. When we walk according to God’s word, we can do what God’s says we can do.
James 5:15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
When we pray with believing, and the one who asks for prayer believes also, God brings the healing and deliverance to pass. It takes believing faith on both parts. The records in the gospels and the book of Acts show over and over that all who came and asked for healing wholeness, whether they needed deliverance or physical healing, God was faithful to bring to pass His promise of wholeness. God’s word says we have not because we ask not. Let’s not go without because we’re too afraid, or too proud to ask.
Romans 15:13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.