FAITH Determines Life’s Issues by Carl Fox
Carl has been teaching on Faith for over 30 years and in this series he shares things you won’t hear in some of his other tape sets. This is an in-depth teaching by Carl covering how to increase one’s faith, how to recognize ways the enemy comes to steal it, what to do with it after you have it and how to keep growing in it. Especially helpful on how to hold onto faith while waiting to see that which you have believed for.
Content Below:
1. Believer's Bill of Rights 4.Faith Killers (continued)
2. Believer's Bill of Rights (continued) 5.You Spoke It. Your Got It. Now What?
3. Faith Killers 6. Building the Blocks of Faith
ORDER BELOW – Online, Mail or Phone
Order Online
Order online to pay with credit or debit card
6 Tape Set $35.00 Suggested Donation plus shipping & handling
6 CD Set $35.00 Suggested Donation plus shipping & handling
Order by Mail
To order by mail print and complete ORDER FORM (or view order form for shipping and handling info and handwrite order) and mail with check or money order to:
Christian Faith International Ministries
PO Box 24268
Seattle, WA 98124
(“CFIM” is an acceptable abbreviation on checks for Christian Faith International Ministries)
***Be sure to give us a phone number where you can be reached if we have any questions about your order***
Order by Phone
Questions or to order call (253) 344-3377 or (253) 847-0110 and place your order with the Secretary and she will tell you how much to make your check or money order out for. The order will be mailed when the check is received. We are not set up to use credit or debit cards by phone. If leaving a message, please speak clearly and leave name and phone number and best time for someone to return your call.