Turning Curses to Blessings The Live Seminar by Carl Fox
Carl has shared these principles on three continents, praying for people and seeing thousands receive deliverance and miraculous healings; the whole course of their lives being changed by the Lord Jesus Christ. These are tapes or CDs you will want to listen to over and over as you learn to recognize curses in your life and the lives of your family and friends, how to break curses, and how to replace them with a blessing from God. Great to listen to while driving to and from work or on trips. See the workbook below which has the scriptures written out and can be used with the tapes for individual or group Bible Study.
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3 Tapes 60 Minutes Each: Set $20.00 Suggested Donation plus shipping & handling
3 CDs 60 Minutes Each: Set $20.00 Suggested Donation plus shipping & handling