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June Newsletter 2014

God Bless each and every one of you in the precious name of Jesus Christ!

I thank all of you for your encouragement, for your stand with us, for your support and for your prayers.   It’s the Body working together and being thankful is how this ministry functions.  We don’t do fund raisers or have gimmicks.  We obey God to the best of our ability and reach out in love.

I pray you all are having a great summer.  It sure has been busy.  We still strive to help and reach children in Palomas, Mexico.  We are not a feeding program but we do bring food to be distributed among families.

Our brothers and sisters  in Liberia, West Africa are standing and fighting to keep E-bola from entering their camp.  But they keep praising God and reaching out to those who have need!  They are taking the children, who have never been anywhere, to other Christian churches to meet and play with other children.  Which I believe is very important.cabin 017

It is a blessing to see how people with so little help do so much!  How they learn to depend on God and not us!  How to be thankful…and they truly are thankful!  Those children pray for us every day and the people who help them…and I say “us”…which includes you all!!!

In Romania they have had an extremely hot summer, which I believe is normal!  Most people there do not have air conditioning.  The flats they live in (what we call apartments) do not have circulation because at least one wall is shared with their neighbor.  Just the little things like circulation is a great blessing!  I thank God for air conditioning!!

We are very blessed here in T or C as we are starting to get rain after waiting for nearly a year!  Thank you for your prayers!  We’ve got a long way to go to get caught up but we are thankful!  Now we have to get used to the humidity!!  But it’s needed if we are to have more rain!!!  Praise God!

On this earth NOTHING is perfect….except you and I and I’m not too sure about you!!  Ha! Ha!  But praise God we all have a perfect spirit!  Mankind had to wait a long time for this.  Spirit is what we need to let lead us.  In the Bible it’s called the Comforter and many other things but if we look to the Spirit of God to lead us and study ( 2 Tim 2:15) and we start depending on getting revelation from that spirit and check that revelation with the Word of God…which we study…we can walk through these storms which are on the horizon all around us.

The only peace we have is not because of a smile on our face but because we have Jesus Christ!  He is the Prince of Peace!  He’s my King!  And that makes Him the King of Peace!  If we continue to look for the day when we meet Him face to face…how much you think of this…how much you anticipate His return…you will receive a crown of righteousness ( 2 Tim 4:8).  Not just thinking about it because life is tough and it’s a way of escape…that’s not a reason.  But you anticipate His return because you love Him and long to be with Him!  Don’t be fooled!  The day is coming and I believe it is knocking on our door!  That’s why all the news of things going on in the world doesn’t frighten me.  It’s exciting!  It’s the coming of Our Lord!  And He’s not coming back as Sweet Jesus!  He’s coming back as King of Kings with a rod of iron ( Rev 19:15 ) to bring a curse on ungodliness and to greatly bless the godly!  Let’s continue to be godly!!

God Bless each and every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ!  I love you and pray for you and that is from all our staff too!

Carl Fox Founder and President of CFIM

Breaking the Authority of the Bastard Curse Epilogue

Restoring the Congregation of the Lord

By Carl L. Fox and Paul D. Norcross

By Clement Humbard

This generation is destined to know by revelation and experience the Lord Jesus Christ more intimately than any before us. The Revelation of God is progressive, accumulative, and eternal. The inspired Word of God is settled, the Faith once delivered remains, the work of Calvary is once and for all finished, and the ministry of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit continues upon this earth.

However, we seek and pray for the spirit of wisdom and revelation to know and understand the riches of His Glory, which is His inheritance in the saints, and be able to comprehend the breadth, length, depth, and height of the love of Christ (Ephesians 1:17-18; 3:18,19). The pursuit of God, the divine romance, the hunger and thirst after God and His righteousness continues. We don’t know it all nor have it all.

Christ stated that all would be revealed, known, and proclaimed, even the hidden things revealed unto ‘babes” (Matthew 10:26-27; 11:25; Luke 12:2-3). The neglected and/or unknown teaching presented herein by our brothers Carl Fox and Paul Norcross may well be included in His statement. There should, therefore, be no fear, or alarm, over unheard and unfamiliar scriptural truth of generational curses and blessings.

Jesus told His disciples they were not able to bear more revelation at that time, but the promised Holy Spirit would teach them, and guide them into all truth. The Apostle Paul, after writing the most complete exposition of the central truths of Christianity, which was:

  • the Gospel of God
  • the “Constitution” of Christianity
  • the all inclusive widest possible designation of the whole body of redemptive truth,

declared that there was still a mystery to be revealed beyond that which the Romans already knew. Through this they would be established (Romans 16:25-26).

The indelible stigma of illegitimate births was present in Bible days. When Jesus was twelve years of age He went up to Jerusalem with Joseph and Mary to the feast of the Passover to register His Name and the name of his Father. When the days were fulfilled they returned not knowing Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem. (A twelve-year old boy could travel, as the custom was, with the men’s, or women’s group and they did not miss Jesus until they went a day’s journey.) Three days later He was found in the temple with teachers. When Mary, his mother, asked for an explanation, Jesus answered, “Knew ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?”

Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, and God was His Father. During His ministry the Pharisees and the Jews belittled and mocked Him by declaring “where is your Father?”45 and “we are not born of fornication,” meaning that they were not bastard children like (they thought) Jesus was.46

The very process that satan would use to bring generational curses, God, in His infinite wisdom used, through the virgin birth of our Lord and His death on the cross, to break the curse and bring generational blessings. The Word of God declares in Galatians chapter three that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law. This redemption is universal for all Christians, but it must be appropriated by faith, that the blessing of Abraham may come through Jesus Christ.

May the understanding brought by this book help to release much freedom and joy to the Body of Christ!

Clement Humbard
Hot Springs, AK

More about this book check out our Bookstore

Spring 2013 Trip to Romania

Carl Fox and Ed Johnson will be travelling to Romania April 22, 2013. Please pray that the Lord is guiding their steps during preparation and execution of this trip, that the Lord’s will is accomplished, safety for their families, and blessings and no backlash to those who are interceding in this endeavor.

Trip to Seattle


Carl will be teaching and ministering in Western Washington November 10 and 11, 2012. Three sessions are planned: 2 on Saturday, November 10, and 1 on Sunday, November 11. These sessions will be hosted by Northwest Christian Bible Fellowship. Start Times are scheduled as follows:

Saturday AM: Starts at 10:30 AM; Saturday PM: Starts at 2:00 PM.

Sunday AM: Starts at 10:30 AM.

The location is the Gold Creek Lodge, 16020 148th Avenue NE, Woodinville, WA. Watch for more details at this site in a subsequent post. Questions or comments may be referred to or 206-795-7400 and/or or 253-847-0110 or 206-854-6736. Welcome! Bring friends! Expect miracles!

Here is a flyer that includes driving directions, announces lunch will be provided, and includes links to the Gold Creek Lodge web site and mapquest directions. You can open the flyer, print it out with Adobe, and give copies to others.

Fall 2012 Trip to Romania

September 30, 2012

God Bless you in the name of Jesus Christ!

Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement and support. We had a wonderful trip to Romania. It was great to have Sheila with me and good and faithful Steve Roy. We are thankful for the wonderful things that came to pass.

People in Romania are resilient! There are always things coming up in their lives, too! Sometimes they’re pretty intense because they seem to be living right on the edge. But one thing that is really true in 3rd world countries is that they are not so addicted to the medical profession, pills and doctors as we are here in America. The’ve learned that National Health Plans are a joke! We have yet to learn that. Over there they have FREE Healthcare. But if you have something serious…cancer…heart problems…you have to be put on a waiting list for treatment. And if it’s real urgent….life or death…the schedule can be changed but it takes money! And this is true in many countries. So when these people find out that God heals it’s not an intellectual journey on believing and faith and playing on words and magic shows. They need healing and they need it now!

We saw many cancers healed. I think of one lady that has been a strong Christian since childhood but had been taught many things that held her back. “Well maybe God will heal me.” “IF it’s God’s will.” “IF God loves me enough.” And all the excuses like, “If it’s my time to go.” She had been through all of them with God. Well, God had given her a dream that a man was going to come from far away and she would be healed. And, Glory to God, we prayed and in the name of Jesus Christ she was healed! She had been bedridden for some time but the next night she went to church and declared God had healed her in the name of Jesus Christ! And that’s just one instance.

It seems that ministries over there still want to be like American ministries….singing and praising the Lord and having funerals. But God’s people are not buying it. They are crying out to God! And when and if we do that, God hears us and He will answer our prayers if we believe!

But all our ministries there are moving forward. They continue to evangelize in the villages and bring people to the Lord. And they just keep adding churches! Not because they have a “church-planting-plan.” But because it’s necessary! I pray that day will happen here in the U.S. When it becomes NECESSARY to trust God it seems like we do better. But when things are going along well, we tend to trust other things. I’m not saying healthcare is a bad thing. I’m just saying…”Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33) And those things that are added are the things we need to give God the glory for!

I thank God for your love for Him and the determination to continue to stand and grow. We love it! And God and our Lord Jesus Christ really love it!

God Bless you all! I love you and appreciate you and pray for you. And we do not take your support lightly! We continue to do the best we can to make sure that some of the best places to sow seed in this world are right here through CFIM. And your faithfulness is all a part of God’s plan.

God Bless you! I love you and I pray for you! In fact, we all do!

Carl and Staff

Trip to Seattle

A trip to Western Washington is now scheduled around the weekend of 10-11 November 2012. Watch here for updates as the plan develops. Questions or comments can be addressed to Ed Johnson at or 253-847-0110 or 206-854-6736.

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