
God bless you and greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! Welcome to the Christian Faith International Ministries website. We hope that God may bless you in your life, and with the information that you find here.


The Christian Faith International Ministries Bookshop is a growing resource of Christian writings, including tapes and CDs on faith, healing, and deliverance, intended to help Christians walk and stand in faith in today’s challenging world. To the right are some featured items. For more, click “The Bookshop” button located on the left side of your screen.



Insight For Healing

by Carl Fox




Keys To Answered Prayer

by Carl Fox



Turning Curses to Blessings

Life changing answers for

today’s problems!

By Carl Fox



The Awesome Glory

Shekinah – The Greater Glory

of the Latter House

by Clement Humbard



by Carl Fox

“In Whose Image Are You Made?”

“You Choose!”

“Why We Value the Bible as God’s Word”

“In Duck Soup Without the Spirit”

“Fruit In Obedience”

“Cleaning Our House”

“God’s Will – Salvation, Health and Prosperity”



Rejection-Its Fruits & Its Roots

A Scriptural Understanding of Rejection

How It Works – How To Minister

by William G. Null, MD



Jesus Christ

The Same, Yesterday, Today, and Forever




Determines Lifes Issues

by Carl Fox



Angels – So Great a Salvation!

By Carl Fox

What do Angel’s do?

It’s a hot topic these days! What does the Word of God say about Angels?



Strongmen of the Bible

by Carl Fox

Do you have questions about demons? If so, then this publication is for you.



It’s back to Romania!


Carl and his team consisting of Ed Johnson, Steve Roy and Kevin Brennan will be travelling to Romania for two weeks beginning on Sept 16, 2010. Thank you for your continued prayers during this time. We will be posting detailed reports and testimonies as we get them.


A short testimony came in recently regarding one of the gypsy ministers we have supported through the years. His seven-year old daughter died and he raised her from the dead.


The battle still rages against the Gypsy nation. Many people are being deported back to Romania from different parts of the EU. The collapse of the Romanian economy is dire. Much prayer is needed.



For Carl’s travel schedule, click here.

Please contact Carl directly for more travel updates, or for prayer and ministry.



New Online Book!

The Mystery of the One Body

by Charles Young

Read it today!


The new CD series, “It Is Finished,” is here!

Check it out on the Bookshop page!


The new book on forgiveness


Click the picture for details on the Bookshop page!



Contribute to The Firewood Project

Winter in Romania, particularly in the delta and southeast areas, is often an unpleasant affair; bitterly cold, and a warm space can sometimes be hard to come by. CFIM was blessed last winter to be able to provide firewood to a number of Romanian churches, allowing them to become places to warm the body, as well as the soul. As a result, many people were also led to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise God!

Help us to again provide winter firewood to Romanian churches. Donate online, by using the “Donations” link to the left, or by mailing a check, and designate that your donation go to “The Firewood Project.”



Audio recordings of teachings dating back to 2006 are now online. Click the “AUDIO ONLINE” button and start listening, TODAY!



PTL! The Spanish translation Is Here!!


Turning Curses to Blessings

En Espanol


Cambiemos las Maldiciones a Bendiciones

Por Carl L. Fox




Teaching and ministering faith, healing, deliverance and salvation around the world.