Breaking the Authority of the Bastard Curse
Restoring the Congregation of the Lord
By Carl L. Fox and Paul D. Norcross
© Copyright 2004 – Christian Faith International Ministries
All rights reserved. Copying of this material for private or commercial gain or profit is prohibited unless prior written permission is received from the authors. Short quotations of a few sentences used for private non-commercial individual or group study or book reviews is fully encouraged and no written permission is required in such cases.
All Scripture is from the King James Translation unless otherwise noted. Use of lower case for satanic references is deliberate; he is under the feet of those who are led by the Spirit of the Living God.
ISBN 0-9671353-6-2
Published in the United States by:
Christian Faith International Ministries
PO Box 24268
Seattle, WA 98124
Carl can be contacted at his office at:
Christian Faith International Ministries
PO Box 24268
Seattle, WA 98124
Tel : (253) 344-3377 or (253) 847-0110
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Paul can be contacted through:
Kingdom Faith Ministries
PO Box 725
Charlemont, MA 01339
Tel: (413) 339-8630
This book is dedicated to those who insist on choosing that better thing, like Mary, who seek to set aside their busyness and sit at the feet of Jesus Christ. In the tumult and calamity of every day, those who have learned to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness are the ones who will gain the most from The Master Teacher. To Him we owe everything, and to Him every knee must bow, ourselves most most especially !
We are sincerely appreciative not only of the enormous love of our Savior, Jesus Christ, but also of the precious love of those many co-laborers who have sown so much into this book. Though too numerous to mention, we could not have completed this manuscript without their spiritual obedience to the Lord and their detail-minded concern for the integrity of the Scriptures. Our deepest thanks to each one of you !