2014 Spring Trip to Romania

Fred Goff, John Lambert, and Steve Roy accompanied Carl Fox on the trip to Romania April 13 to April 23, 2014. Events are highlighted in the following paragraphs:

April 30, 2014

God bless you all in the name of Jesus Christ!

I love you and I thank you for your prayers, your encouragement and your support. I’ve worked on getting my “clock” back to mountain time as we just got back from Romania a few days ago. It rained every day except the first day and the last two days we were there! Once again, it was an amazing and successful trip. God is faithful to perform His Word when it is believed! Wherever we went, many, many people came for prayer and were healed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! One man in particular, who was in liver failure, was given a new liver! We watched as his complexion turned pink and his eyes turned from yellow to white! He was also healed of a tumor on his spine! All this happened on the first night we arrived! Even though we were tired from traveling over 24 hours to get there, it was an energetic reminder as to why we do what we do! Glory to God!

Throughout the upcoming days we saw many more miracles of healing and many people accepting the Lord Jesus Christ for the first time! The villages in Romania have more and more Christian youth and parents than I’ve ever seen before. Steve and John spent a lot of time in these villages with the children and their parents. The children love to act out stories from the Bible. It helps them remember what the Word teaches. We also handed out small amounts of oil, rice and sugar to about 90 different families. It seems to be such a small thing but to these lovely people, it makes a difference.

We also visited several other churches where we preached and ministered healing. I was able also to spend time with faithful believers and their families that I have known for a long time now.

One minister, who I have known for 20 years, has not only his children but also his grandchildren participating in the church service. God is faithful to His promises! Amen!

All in all, Romania continues to be fertile ground for the Body of Christ to grow! You are all a vital part of this outreach and I pray God to show you the beauty and value of your prayers and support for this work.

We are so blessed to continue to hear good reports from Liberia and that God continues moving forward in that country. I received several pictures from our minister there of the children eating food that your support helps to provide. Seeing these children with smiles and full tummies is a blessing beyond measure!

We continue to stand and see God working mightily in our lives. The love of God never fails! I am gratelul for all the great friends who are faIthful to God, to his Word and to the Lord Jesus Christ and who stand with me and with us. It is an exciting time to be alive!

God bless each and every one of you and your families. Please keep in touch. I love you. I pray for you.
