Bookshop Order Page: TCTB Workbook

Turning Curses to Blessings: Workbook

Turning Curses to Blessings Syllabus and WorkbookTCTB Workbook – $3.50 each or 5 for $12.50 Class Discount

The Syllabus and Workbook is designed with the serious student in mind, particularly those who intend to be among those who study the material, apply the lessons in life and ministry, and in turn to teach others also.  It contains a list of scripture references in the order they will be covered, followed by workbook questions for each lesson.  Some lessons contain suggested reading assignments from the book.  The suggested assignments are chosen to complement the material covered in the lesson.  Some assignments are related to the material covered.  Others are not.  Depending upon how you schedule your seminar, a session may end on a negative note.  For these cases, we have attempted to provide suggested reading to bring the reader to a positive or blessed state.  Also the Lessons are indexed by Disc no., Track no., Minutes:Seconds, so you can find the place where you want to start a Session.  If you desire to be among those that believeth on me, the works that I do he shall do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father (John 14:12), this is for you.

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One (1) Turning Curses to Blessings Workbook: $3.50 Suggested Donation plus shipping & handling

Class Discount – Five (5) TCTB Workbooks: $12.50 Suggested Donation plus shipping & handling

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Christian Faith International Ministries
PO Box 24268
Seattle, WA 98124

(“CFIM” is an acceptable abbreviation for Christian Faith International Ministries)

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