Here are some highlights of Carl’s sharing at the fellowship meeting in Truth or Consequences NM after he arrived home from Romania. Carl Fox and Roxana both shared on God’s Victory Victories in bringing Roxana to the U.S. It is not usual for Christians in Romania to get Visas to come to the states. Details of the miracle worked in God getting Roxana her Visa are shared. Carl shares about how Roxana was stopped and delayed at airports in various countries, including ours, along the way, as “authorities” questioned her traveling with Christian written materials (tracks, etc.) accompanying her. The adversary was not happy with her coming here but we rejoice in the Victories of our God! With all the publicity about the chicken flu in the press at the time Carl thought that questions about exposures to that might be asked coming back but no one asked anything about it as they traveled home, just about the Christian materials! Carl did go thru areas in Romania where they were spraying even the cars going through because of the chicken flu.
On this trip the team saw heartaches and victories both. Carl tells of some people from Texas who have been working in Romania for many years giving a home to youth who are 18 but do not have skills yet to be on their own. They take them in and teach them skills for living and about the Lord. They had 3 homes for these youth but this year the government has closed down the three homes. Carl shares about the ways in which CFIM has changed how we take care of children in Romania. We are now working with the mothers who have had to put some of their children on the streets because they can’t feed them. We are now feeding them and keeping children at home with their family instead of on the street. As we care for widows and orphans and some elderly we bring them the Word! Roxana shares about the University Christian Students who help with this ministry project. Praise God who always finds a way to meet the needs and move the Gospel. Lots more on the tape about this work over there.
Roxana and Carl both share some of the history of their meeting each other and their working together. Carl and Sheila “adopted” Roxana in their hearts many years ago and they have become Dad and Mom to her. Roxana shares some stories for e.g. when she was working at an orphanage and they had no food so, having read George Mueller’s writings on orphanages and praying and trusting God, they prayed for food. Just when they needed it they opened the door and someone had left the food on their doorstep and they were able to feed the children. (condensed version- more on tape).
Carl shared about many of the other ministries CFIM supports in Romania, besides supporting ministries in the U.S. He tells too many stories to put them all in writing here. One of the ministries he shares about is Pastor Jon. Jon is an evangelist whose outreach has begun many fellowships in many villages and in Bucharest. Jon is the one you have read about in the newsletters (if you have gotten the newsletters) who goes out to the frozen lake in the winter and chops a hole in the ice to do baptisms. Sometimes there are so many to be baptized he has to bring in other pastors to help. He sees about 300 baptisms a month in his work there. Carl shares about the difference Jon has made in the crime rate where he lives and gives God Glory for the work being done there. He shares some stories about how God worked out what seems to be impossible situations (especially when the government is involved) for Jon, and for some other pastors CFIM supports there, when fervent prayers were said. God answers those prayers!
Lee Camacho shares about his trip with Jon to one of the villages. Jon loads up the car with keyboard, speakers, amps, microphone and some Christians and off they go to a village outside of Bucharest. Jon gets someone in an apartment building to let him plug his long extension cord into their apartment and Jon is set to go! His daughters lead the singing and play the keyboard and Jon is preaching, then Lee preaches, then Jon does some more. With the music and the noise a crowd gathers right there on the streets in front of the big apartment building and folks are leaning out their windows listening! Jon will go anywhere anytime and spread the Word of God. He has no fear in street ministry and he believes the Word and he moves the Word! PTL!
Back to all those baptisms happening when Jon is ministering. First day in Romania Jon has Carl Baptizing new believers. Always a joyous occasion and Jon’s home church now has a baptismal in the church. The water though is still icy cold but at least it is clean and safer then the frozen lake. To see a picture of Carl baptizing a believer click here. There is nothing in Romania that is fancy or rich among the gypsy churches. Many religious people still want nothing to do with the gypsies after they become Christian. These Christians really know how to trust the Lord and walk in faith and they learn to depend on the Lord not CFIM and they see salvations, miracle healings and deliverances and are spreading the Gospel not only in Romania but in other countries as well. Lee tells the story of getting ill over there and how Cornell, another minister we support, praying for him in Romanian. He does not understand Romanian but does know the word for God and for Jesus Christ. Lee said he could tell those two names were said a lot in the prayer and when the prayer was done Lee was healed!
Besides salvations there were of course a lot of miracles. One young lady who was interpreting when Carl was teaching at a Campus Crusade meeting (get details on tape) asked Carl to pray for her after the ministry time was done. Carl shares the story of why she was in constant pain (but had not told anyone) and why she could not have children. Well she got healed and so she asked Carl to go see who grandmother who was dying of cancer. They went to the grandmother’s house and there was a prayer meeting going on there. Carl did not quite understand the reactions of people to him when he got there nor their interest in the black pen in his pocket. He prayed for the grandmother and she was healed. Afterwards they told him that someone there who was a prophet had prophesized to the grandmother, several months before, that a man from the west was coming and would bring healing and they would know him because he would have a black pen in his shirt pocket. They did not know Carl was coming and when he got there they could tell he was American and noticed the black pen in his pocket. After the grandmother was healed, prayer was asked for her daughter who had a serious heart condition with ongoing pain in the heart. She was healed also. Lots of healing took place on this trip as always.
Carl talks about how the pastors CFIM supports and he has worked with for numerous years, from many different locations, believe and pray for and see healings on a regular basis in their ministry work. There are many more stories and details on the “Back From Romania” tape/CD. It has sure encouraged many of us here in Truth or Consequences who have wanted to hear it more than once. Carl emphasizes that every Christian will see signs, wonders and miracles in their life when they believe and we are all called to minister to others in the Name of Jesus Christ. Since returning home Carl has done several individual teaching sessions (also available in the Bookshop) on the Power in the Name of Jesus Christ and what it really means to have the Power of Attorney to use that Name as Christians! These times of teaching on Tape/CD have sure been changing some lives around here so we hope you will join in this opportunity for Growing in the Word.
Most important, as you hear stories of salvations, healings, deliverances remember that all the Glory goes to God! He is an Awesome and Mighty God. God Bless all of you reading this in the Name of Jesus Christ.